Showing 49–52 of 52 results



Product Specs

Type: Standard Chicks
Origin: Continental
Purpose: Layer
Availability: First of Feb - End of May
Comb Type: Single
Egg Color: Dark Brown
Egg Size: Large
Rate of Lay: 240/Year
Broodiness: No
Temperament: Docile
Leg Style: Clean
Heat Tolerance: Tolerates Well
Cold Tolerance: Hardy
Mature Male Weight: 9.5 lbs
Mature Female Weight: 7.5 lbs



Product Specs

Type: Standard Chicks
Origin: Continental
Purpose: Dual
Availability: Feb - End of Oct
Comb Type: Single
Egg Color: Dark Brown
Egg Size: Large
Rate of Lay: 200/Year
Broodiness: Yes
Temperament: Docile
Leg Style: Clean
Heat Tolerance: Tolerates Well
Cold Tolerance: Hardy
Mature Male Weight: 6 lbs
Mature Female Weight: 4.5 lbs

White Cochin


Product Specs

Type: Standard Chicks
Origin: Asiatic
Purpose: Ornamental
Availability: First of Feb - End of May
Comb Type: Single
Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size: Medium
Rate of Lay: 140/Year
Broodiness: Yes
Temperament: Docile
Leg Style: Feather
Heat Tolerance: Not Especially
Cold Tolerance: Hardy
Mature Male Weight: 11 lbs
Mature Female Weight: 8.5 lbs

White Rock

Plymouth Rocks were developed from a cross of Dominique males and either Black Java or Black Cochin females. The original Plymouth Rock had a barred plumage pattern and was considered the most popular breed in the United States in the early 20th Century, used for both meat and brown egg production. White Plymouth Rocks are the result of white sports of the barred variety. White Plymouth Rock chicks are smoky light yellow. They have single combs and clean, black or gray legs and feet. The feathers of adult White Rocks are white, with yellow shanks and feet. The White Plymouth Rock is used in the Cornish x Rock crosses that was developed for meat production, however, most pure White Plymouth Rocks are used for large brown egg production.