Opal Peafowl Pair
Do peafowl get along with chickens?
Peafowl and pheasants are often kept together without any issue. Many people are also successful in keeping chickens and peafowl together, but very diligent cleaning regimes, avoiding overcrowding, and a strict deworming program are highly recommended to help avoid spreading disease.
Can turkeys and peafowl live together?
Peafowl can safely be kept with pheasants and chickens. Other types of birds are not recommended. Very specifically, never keep peafowl and turkeys together, as turkeys can carry diseases, such as blackhead’s disease, that has no effect on other birds, but are lethal to peafowl.
Can peafowl lay eggs?
During the second and third years, they will produce a few eggs. It is not until their fourth year that they will lay five to nine eggs a year. If eggs are removed from the nest, a peahen may lay another clutch or two, but she will not be able to incubate more than ten eggs.
Can peafowl live alone?
Indian blue peafowl prefer a mostly solitary and isolated lifestyle. During the breeding season, a male will defend its territory and females will seek them out as mates. A single male can have a harem of six females. Outside of the breeding season, females live alone or with other females in groups of 2 or 3.
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