Cameo Peafowl Pair
What is the difference between peafowl and Indian peafowl?
The Indian blue peafowl is known for its bright blue and green plumage, while the green peafowl has iridescent green and gold feathers. The Indian blue peafowl is also smaller than the green peafowl and has a longer tail.
What are the characteristics of peafowl India Blue?
The male peafowl is a regal, shiny blue with patches of white above and below its eyes. A blue-tipped fan of feathers crowns its head and its long train of feathers trails behind like a royal cape. Males display their train feathers in a beautiful fan in order to attract a mate.
What is the spiritual meaning of the Indian peafowl?
n Hinduism, the peacock is associated with the god of war, Kartikeya, and is considered a symbol of beauty, prosperity, and spiritual awakening. Peacock feathers are often used in Hindu rituals, and it is believed that having a peacock feather in the house brings good luck and harmony.
What is special about peafowl?
Hindus consider this bird to be sacred because the god Kartikeya rides on its back. Legend also says the peafowl is able to charm snakes and addle their eggs! In Greek mythology, the peacock’s ornate train became a famous tail!
Cameo Peafowl Pair
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