The Premium Brooder Starter Package includes everything you need to help care for your new baby chicks upon arrival; just add feed and water to the included quart feeder and waterer. This package was developed to set up in just a few minutes while supplying your chicks with a safe and cozy home until they are ready to move outdoors. The reusable and washable plastic chick corral provides a sturdy perimeter, and is much easier to set up than paper corrals. The brooder lamp stand allows the brooder lamp to securely hang over the chicks, and the 14” chain permits the lamp to be hung at various heights to raise and lower the temperature. An included 3 pound package of pine shavings provides secure footing for your chicks while helping to absorb moisture and reduce odors. This package also includes a pack of GroGel which is extremely beneficial in helping rehydrate and nourish your chicks after their trip to your home. With the Premium Brooder Starter Package, you’ll spend less time setting up your brooder and more time enjoying your new baby chicks.
Package Includes:
- Adjustable Brooder Lamp Stand
- Heavy Duty Brooder Lamp with Reflector and Clamp
- 125 W Infrared Brooder Bulb
- Plastic Chick Corral (six 24” x 18” panels)
- Large Brooder Thermometer with Humidity Gauge
- 3 lbs. Pine Shavings
- Quart Jar Waterer
- Quart Chick Feeder
- GroGel (100 dose)
- Instruction Sheet “The Care of Baby Chicks”
- Safe Handling of Poultry Sheet
NOTE: Orders for brooder supplies do not ship with your chicks and they need to be ordered ahead of time so you have them all set up when your chicks arrive.
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